Dimensions and Areas
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This section gives the user the principal dimensions of the BELL 505, the reference lines, the zones and areas necessary to identify where the maintenance task is done. Also included are all the access and drainage provisions necessary. The principal dimensions include metric conversions.
The principal dimensions are shown in a general configuration drawing of the helicopter on skid landing gear. All height dimensions must be considered approximate due to variations in loading and landing gear deflection.
The principal dimensions include metric conversions.
The principal exterior dimensions are shown in a three views general configuration drawing
The height of the aircraft with the high skid gear until the flap restraint is 135 inches (3429 mm)
The height of the helicopter when the ground handling wheel extends fully is 139 inches (3530.6 mm)
The principal interior dimensions are shown in the two side views of the helicopter.
Reference lines show the user the coordinates on the general configuration drawings of the helicopter from a predetermined origin to assist in locating equipment, assemblies, access doors, and panels. The following reference lines are shown:
Fuselage Station (FS) lines are vertical reference lines, as viewed from the side of the helicopter. They show the distance from the datum line (FS 0.0) to a reference line. FS lines located aft of the datum line are expressed as positive values and FS lines located forward of the datum line are expressed as negative values.
Buttock Lines (BL) are vertical reference lines, as viewed from the front of the helicopter. They are parallel to the helicopter centerline when viewed from the top. They show the distance from the helicopter centerline (BL 0.0) to a reference line. BL located left of the helicopter centerline are expressed as negative values and BL located right of the helicopter centerline are expressed as positive values.
Waterlines (WL) are horizontal reference lines, as viewed from the side or the front of the helicopter. They show the distance above or below the datum line (WL 0.0) to a reference line. WL located above the datum line are expressed as positive values and WL located below the datum line are expressed as negative values.
Boom Station (BS) lines are reference lines perpendicular to the tailboom centerline when viewed from the side. They show the distance from the tailboom origin (BS 0.0) to a reference line. BS lines are all located aft of the tailboom origin and are all positive values.
The origin is a point located forward of the helicopter nose cone, slightly below the ground level and along the centerline. It is at the intersection of the FS datum line (FS 0.0), the helicopter centerline (BL 0.0), and the WL datum line (WL 0.0).
The zones and areas are defined to facilitate maintenance by clearly identifying where on the helicopter the maintenance is to be done.
To aid in the performance of the maintenance, the helicopter is divided into major zones delimited by Fuselage Stations (FS), Buttock Lines (BL), and Waterlines (WL), unless specified otherwise. These are divided into smaller zones.
The zones are identified with a three-digit number as follows:
The first digit corresponds to the major zones. Refer to the list of the major zones.
The second and third digit identify the smaller zones within the major zones. Refer to the list of the smaller zones.
From FS 37.8 to FS 235.5, from WL 26.0 to WL 85.7, and from BL -30.0 to BL 30.0, excluding the cockpit (200) and the area above the baggage compartment (400).
From the canted bulkhead to FS 109.8, between the roof (WL 85.70) and the floor (WL 33.5), and between BL -30.0 to BL 30.0.
Aft section
From the tailboom attachment (FS 235.5) to FS 452.2.
Power train and drive train
From FS 103.0 above the roof, above the tailboom to FS 413, including the main rotor hub and blades, the area above the baggage compartment, and the tail rotor gearbox, hub and blades.
Landing gear
The left and right skid tubes, the forward and aft crosstubes, and to include the steps and the maintenance step.
Nose compartment
From FS 37.8 to the canted bulkhead.
Flight controls compartment
From the canted bulkhead to the frames at FS 109.8, and between the belly (WL 26.0) and the floor (WL 33.5).
Forward-left flight controls compartment
From the canted bulkhead to the left eyebrow frame support, outboard of the left canted keel beam, and between the belly (WL 26.0) and the floor (WL 33.5).
Forward-right flight controls compartment
From the canted bulkhead to the right eyebrow frame support, outboard of the right canted keel beam, and between the belly (WL 26.0) and the floor (WL 33.5).
Mid-left flight controls compartment
From the left eyebrow frame support to the left quarter frame at FS 97.8, outboard of the left canted keel beam, and between the belly (WL 26.0) and the floor (WL 33.5).
Mid-right flight controls compartment
From the right eyebrow frame support to the right quarter frame at FS 97.8, outboard of the right canted keel beam, and between the belly (WL 26.0) and the floor (WL 33.5).
Aft-left flight controls compartment
From the left quarter frame at FS 97.8 to the left quarter frame at FS 109.8, outboard of the left keel beam (BL -12.1), and between the belly (WL 26.0) and the floor (WL 33.5).
Aft-right flight controls compartment
From the right quarter frame at FS 97.8 to the right quarter frame at FS 109.8, outboard of the right keel beam (BL 12.1), and between the belly (WL 26.0) and the floor (WL 33.5).
Forward-center flight controls compartment
From the canted bulkhead to the eyebrow frame support (FS 79.5), between the left and right canted keel beams, and between the belly (WL 26.0) and the floor (WL 33.5).
Mid-center flight controls compartment
From the eyebrow frame support (FS 79.5) to the frame at FS 97.8, between the left and right canted keel beams, and between the belly (WL 26.0) and the floor (WL 33.5).
Aft-center flight controls compartment
From the frame at FS 97.8 to the frame at FS 109.8, between the left keel beam (BL -12.05) and the right keel beam (BL 12.05), and between the belly (WL 26.0) and the floor (WL 33.5).
Cabin belly compartment
From the frames at FS 109.8 to the frames at FS 147.7, and between the belly (WL 26.0) and the floor (WL 33.5).
Forward-left cabin belly compartment
From the left quarter frame at FS 109.8 to the left quarter frame at FS 128.4, outboard of the left keel beam (BL -12.1), and between the belly (WL 26.0) and the floor (WL 33.5).
Forward-right cabin belly compartment
From the right quarter frame at FS 109.8 to the right quarter frame at FS 128.3, outboard of the right keel beam (BL 12.1), and between the belly (WL 26.0) and the floor (WL 33.5).
Aft-left cabin belly compartment
From the left quarter frame at FS 128.4 to the left quarter frame at FS 147.7, outboard of the left keel beam (BL -12.1), and between the belly (WL 26.0) and the floor (WL 33.5).
Aft-right cabin belly compartment
From the right quarter frame at FS 128.4 to the right quarter frame at FS 147.7, outboard of the right keel beam (BL 12.1), and between the belly (WL 26.0) and the floor (WL 33.5).
Forward-center cabin belly compartment
From the frame at FS 109.8 to the frame at FS 128.4, between the left keel beam (BL -12.1) and the right keel beam (BL 12.1), and between the belly (WL 26.0) and the floor (WL 33.5).
Aft-center cabin belly compartment
From the frame at FS 128.4 to the frame at FS 147.7, between the left keel beam (BL -12.1) and the right keel beam (BL 12.1), and between the belly (WL 26.0) and the floor (WL 33.5).
From FS 109.8 to the passenger bulkhead (FS 147.7), between the roof (WL 85.7) and the floor (WL 33.5).
Aft belly compartments
From the frames at FS 147.7 to the quarter frames at FS 181.0, outboard of the left keel beam (BL -12.1) and right keel beam (BL 12.1), and below the left and right lower fuel webs (WL 33.5).
Forward-left aft belly compartment
From the left quarter frame at FS 147.5 to the left quarter frame at FS 155.0, outboard of the left keel beam (BL -12.1), and below the left lower fuel web (WL 33.5).
Forward-right aft belly compartment
From the right quarter frame at FS 147.5 to the right quarter frame at FS 155.0, outboard of the right keel beam (BL 12.1), and below the right lower fuel web (WL 33.5).
Aft-left aft belly compartment
From the left quarter frame at FS 155.0 to the left quarter frame at FS 181.0, outboard of the left keel beam (BL -12.1), and below the left lower fuel web (WL 33.5).
Aft-right aft belly compartment
From the right quarter frame at FS 155.0 to the right quarter frame at FS 181.0, outboard of the right keel beam (BL 12.1), and below the right lower fuel web.
Control tunnel
From the passenger bulkhead (FS 147.5) to the tunnel bulkhead (FS 155.0), between the left tunnel vertical beam (BL -12.1) and the right tunnel vertical beam (BL 12.1), and between the belly (WL 26.0) and WL 63.8.
Fuel compartments
From the passenger bulkhead (FS 147.5) to the aft fuel bulkhead (FS 181.0) below the baggage floor (WL 46.0), excluding the control tunnel (between BL -12.05 and BL 12.05, FS 147.5 and FS 155.4, and WL 26.0 and WL 46.0), and above the left and right lower fuel webs (WL 33.5) outboard of the left keel beam (BL -12.1) and right keel beam (BL 12.1), including the expansion space outboard and left of the control tunnel (BL -12.1), above WL 46.0 and below WL 64.6, between the passenger bulkhead (FS 147.5) and FS 155.4.
Fuel cell compartment
From the passenger bulkhead (FS 147.5) to the aft fuel bulkhead (FS 181.0) below the baggage floor (WL 46.0), excluding the control tunnel (between BL -12.05 and BL 12.05, FS 147.5 and FS 155.4, and WL 26.0 and WL 46.0), and above the left and right lower fuel webs (WL 33.5) outboard of the left keel beam (BL -12.1) and right keel beam (BL 12.1).
Fuel filler compartment
Outboard and left of the control tunnel (BL -12.1), above WL 46.0 and below WL 64.6, between the passenger bulkhead (FS 147.5) and FS 155.4.
Baggage compartment
From the tunnel bulkhead (FS 155.3) to the aft bulkhead (FS 181.0), and between the upper shear web at WL 44.7 and the upper baggage panel (WL 65.0).
Aft fuselage
From the aft bulkhead (FS 181.0) to the tailboom attachment (FS 235.5), below the lower firewall (WL 76.3), and outboard of the left firewall (BL -14.2) and right firewall (BL 14.2).
Left aft fuselage
From the aft bulkhead (FS 181.0) to the tailboom attachment (FS 235.5), on the left side of the truss assembly and outboard of the left firewall (BL -14.2).
Right aft fuselage
From the aft bulkhead (FS 181.0) to the tailboom attachment (FS 235.5), on the right side of the truss assembly and outboard of the right firewall (BL 14.2).
Center aft fuselage, truss assembly
From the aft bulkhead (FS 181.0) to the tailboom attachment (FS 235.0), below the lower firewall (WL 76.3).
Left side of the cockpit
From the canted bulkhead to FS 109.8, on the left side of the center line (BL 0.0) to BL -30.0.
Right side of the cockpit
From the canted bulkhead to FS 109.8, on the right side of the center line (BL 0.0) to BL 30.0.
Instrument panel and pedestal
From the tailboom attachment at FS 235.0 to the aft face of the tail rotor gearbox support at FS 423.0.
Horizontal stabilizer
Vertical stabilizer
Main rotor blades
Main rotor hub
Main rotor drive compartments
From FS 103.0 to the forward firewall (FS 181.0), above the roof (WL 85.7) and from the passenger bulkhead (FS 147.9) to FS 181.0, above the upper baggage panel (WL 64.6).
Forward main rotor drive compartment
From FS 103.0 to FS 147.5, above the roof (WL 85.7).
Upper main rotor drive compartment
From FS 147.5 to the forward firewall (FS 181.0), above the roof (WL 85.7), to the top of the transmission fairings (WL 106.2), and to include the swashplate assembly.
Lower main rotor drive compartment
From the passenger bulkhead (FS 147.9) to FS 181.0, between the upper baggage panel (WL 65.0) and WL 84.8, to include the transmission and mast assembly and the pitch link assemblies.
Power plant
From the forward firewall (FS 181.0) to FS 251.9, above the lower firewall (WL 76.2).
Accessory gearbox section
From the forward firewall (FS 181.0) to the forward intake firewall (FS 198.2), above the horizontal firewall (WL 76.3), to include the drip pan of the horizontal firewall below WL 76.3.
Intake section
From the forward intake firewall (FS 198.1) to the aft intake firewall (FS 205.3) above the lower intake firewall (WL 82.1).
Turbine section
From the aft intake firewalls (FS 205.3) to the aft firewall (FS 223.2), above the lower firewall (WL 76.3), and to include the area between the lower intake (WL 82.1) and the horizontal firewall (WL 76.3) from the forward intake firewall (FS 198.1) to the aft intake firewall (FS 205.3).
Exhaust section
From the aft firewall (FS 223.2) to FS 253.9, and above the truss assembly (WL 76.3).
Tail rotor drive
From FS 253.9 to FS 422.9, above the tailboom, and to include the tail rotor gearbox.
Tail rotor hub
Tail rotor blades
FS 127
Forward crosstube
FS 125.9, to include the maintenance step.
Aft crosstube
FS 183, to Include the maintenance step.
Left skid tube
BL -35, to include the step.
Right skid tube
BL -35, to include the step.
Refer to BELL 505 - Zones and Areas for the location of the zones on the general configuration drawings of the helicopter.
The access provisions show all the access panels and doors on the helicopter. They are identified according to the zones where they are located. The drainage provisions are also shown.
The access panels and doors are identified with the three digits of the zone where they are located. The zone identifier is followed by two suffix letters. The first letter is the primary identifier that uniquely identifies the panel or door and starts with the letter A in each zone. The second letter identifies its location as follows:
The access panels and doors are listed in the following table.
Nose cone, access to components of the environmental control system, and to taxi and landing lights
Forward belly panel, access to components of the flight controls
Left cockpit floor, access to components of the flight controls
Right cockpit floor, access to the Air Data/Attitude and Heading Reference System (ADAHRS)
Center cockpit floor, access to components of the flight controls
Cabin floor, access to components of the flight controls
Clamshell door, access to cabin
Left mid-belly access-panel, access to structure under the left side of the fuel compartment
Right mid-belly access-panel, access to structure under the right side of the fuel compartment and to the transponder antenna
Control-tunnel access panel, access to components of the flight controls
Fuel filler access-door, access to fuel filler and drain ports
Mid-left mid-fuselage panel, access to baggage compartment, components of the fuel system (expansion plate, forward vent, etc.)
Baggage compartment door, access to baggage compartment
Baggage compartment floor, access to components of the fuel system (fuel cell, aft vent, fuel level sensor, etc.)
Baggage compartment panel, access to portion of fuel cell
Left aft-fuselage panel, access to truss assembly, avionics shelf, etc.
Right aft-fuselage panel, access to truss assembly, avionics shelf, etc.
Electrical compartment access-door, access to battery, CB panel
External power access-door, access to external power receptacle
Left crew door, access to cockpit and cabin
Right crew door, access to cockpit and cabin
Forward tailboom access-panel, access to magnetometer and antennae of the radar altimeter kit
Aft tailboom access-panel, access to tailboom internal structure and directional control cables
Tail-rotor gearbox and empennage support cover, access to tail rotor gearbox attachments and components of the flight controls
Left transmission fairing, access to the upper main rotor drive compartment, gearbox, flight controls, left LIVE mount, and hydraulic system
Right transmission fairing, access to the upper main rotor drive compartment, gearbox, flight controls, right LIVE mount, and hydraulic system
Main driveshaft access-panel, access to the main driveshaft
Upper-left mid-fuselage access-panel, access to the lower main rotor drive compartment, fuel prime pump, left LIVE mount, hydraulic pump, main gearbox restraint, and main driveshaft
Upper-right mid-fuselage access-panel, access to the lower main rotor drive compartment, engine controls, right LIVE mount, hydraulic pump, main gearbox restraint, and main driveshaft
Forward engine cowling, access to forward engine bay
Forward engine access panel, access to forward engine bay
Aft engine cowling, access to aft engine bay
Aft engine access panel, access to aft engine bay
Engine wash access panel, access to engine wash fitting when the engine wash kit is installed
Exhaust fairing, access to exhaust, oil cooler blower, components of the tail rotor drive
Forward driveshaft cover, access to components of the tail rotor drive
Mid driveshaft cover, access to components of the tail rotor drive
Aft driveshaft cover, access to components of the tail rotor drive
The drainage provisions are shown in the following image.