Multipurpose Equipment

The multipurpose equipment provides a junction location for airframe and engine systems. It consists of the relay panel.

Relay panel

The relay panel serves as the mounting bracket for the IDLE/FLY, START, IGNITION, XOT HOT, XOP LOW, FUEL LOW, CRANK, and FANS relays, a terminal block rail, the connector to the engine and airframe systems, and the Engine Control Unit (ECU) test connector. It is located on the avionics shelf.


Refer to Engine Control for the operation of the IDLE/FLY, START, XOT HOT, XOP LOW, FUEL LOW, and CRANK relays.

Refer to Ignition for the operation of the IGNITION relay.

Refer to Avionics Fans for the operation of the FANS relay.

Refer to Transmission Indicating, Freewheel Indicating, and Oil Indicating for the operation of the terminal block rail.

Refer to Engine Control for the operation of the ECU test connector.

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